A country a I would like to visit

Hi everyone, today im gona talk about a country that i like to visit in the future, and it is Greece I dont now many of things of this country except meabe what we all now, like the philosophers (Socrates, Platon, Aristoteles. etc.), they work in a lot of teams like math, astrology, but more then that is a mystery, and I think i like that it stay in that way until i visit. What I like to do is to explore and lear aboute the culte of the greek gods, beacouse is a subject that weak up interest in my, thats why i like to read or see videos of that like a hoby. But the place that i woul love to go is the greek pantheons, this places have amazing arquitecture, represent a time when the peapol was exploring the world and try to find out solucions to phenomenons that they dont now, plus this piriod have a great impact in the literature. I like to visit for a while, like 3 months, but if the opportunity is give to study something of mi career i woul take it